streda 5. júna 2013

Outfit review Carmen Geisse

As I was first elected to "outfit review" CARMEN GEISS (47)
is currently being improved by various sculptures and myself are hardly dissimilar.CARMEN shining longer than the gym only. In 1982 he won the German competition Miss fitness. It is the mother of two daughters and wife of a millionaire as can be seen on her different outfits such as the TV show where she ordered a personal fashion show models in bikinis, which then also bought. My personal hairdresser as well as make-up artist. Although it has amended various sculptures of his age, does not look the worst and particularly as regards the figures and clothing.

(Je v súčasnosti vylepšená rôznymi plastikami a na seba sa takmer vôbec nepodobá.CARMEN HVIEZDILA už ako fitneska. V roku 1982 vyhrala nemeckú súťaž Miss fitnes. Je to mama dvoch dcér a manželka milionára čo je vidieť aj na jej rôznych outfitoch napríklad v TV show kde si objednala osobnú módnu prehliadku modeliek v plavkách, ktoré si potom aj kúpila. Má osobného kaderníka ale aj vizážistku. Aj keď je zmenená už rôznymi plastikami na svoj vek nevyzerá najhoršie a to hlavne čo sa postavy a oblečenia týka.)

Lets go to her outfit review !!! : :)

Outfit : 9
Schoes : 10
Accesories : 7
Bag / Purse : she HASNT !
Hair : 10
Make - up : 6
Entire impression : 8

Full points : 60
Her points : 50 

- She have full points just 60 ( not 70) couse she dont have any purse so I can get review to her purse.
- She get 50 points by me and lost 10.

Outfit : 
I gave it 1 point less per outfit, because I do not like it to be too shiny jacket. For her age, I'm very fit, I chose it more for less. Overall, however, chose the dress looks nice. I fancy pants that are a little longer at the waist, which optically extends its legs. A black shirt is also not do anything wrong. The combination of black and silver is perfect. So 9 points per outfit Carmen. :)

( Dala som jej o 1 bod menej za outfit, pretože sa mi na nej nepáči to príliš lesklé sako. K jej veku sa mi to moc nehodí, zvolila by som to skôr pre mladších. Celkové oblečenie čo zvolila však vyzerá pekne. Páčia sa mi nohavice, ktoré sú tak trochu v páse dlhšie, čo jej opticky predĺži nohy. A čiernym tričkom sa nedá tiež nič pokaziť. Kombinácia čierna a strieborná je dokonalá. Takže 9 bodov za outfit Carmen. :)

Schoes :
Are black, are high, have good color and shape. Absolutely with them nothing can go wrong and have a pleasant little or no high heel. And the outfit is super fit for shoes so I give 10 points.

Sú čierne, sú vysoké, majú peknú farbu aj tvar. Rozhodne sa s nimi nedá nič pokaziť a majú prijémný nie malý ani veľký opätok. A k outfitu sa super hodia preto dávam za topánky 10 bodov.

Accesories :
The all outfit I dont like this bracelet because it is a bit too strong to me that such a extravagant jacket. Opting I prefer smaller and delicate accessories. So why I get her 7 points.

(K celkovému outfitu sa mi nepáči tento náramok, pretože je až príliš výrazný na to, že ma také extravagantné a trblietavé sako. Zvolila by som radšej menšie a jemné doplnky, preto jej dávam iba 7 bodov)

Hair :
Looks like a healthy and neat. What more can I say?

(Vizerajú zdravo a upravene, čo viac k tomu dodať?)

Make-up :
Only 7 points, because it is not really good to see and nothing really interesting.

(Iba 7 bodov, pretože ho nieje dobre vidieť a nieje ničim zaujímavý.)

Entire impression :
The outfit impression is 8 points because of its age too young elected clothes

(Celkový dojem je 8 bodov pretože na jej vek zvolila príliš mladistvé oblečenie)

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